Monday, October 16, 2006

Lonely Mommy

I am feeling quite blue today. I feel so lonely and isolated lately. It isn't like I don't get out either. I take Edward to Kindermusik every Friday and to Bowling every Saturday. I need a friend or two, someone to hang with. I had a couple of friends in OK, that I could do that with but since we moved to Kansas, I have been feeling lonelier than ever. I hate my Social Anxiety Disorder, it keeps me from joining in on things. I am so uncomfortable around people I don't know, especially in larger groups. I always feel like I am being judged and that I am ugly and no one would ever want to be my friend. It is hard for me to jump in to conversations, to even say hi to people, when I feel like I want to. I just clam up. I need prayers, that I can find a few close Christian girlfriends here in Kansas. Someone who is a SAHM and with a child Edwards age, preferably one who understand and accept me for who I am. I have great friends like that but non of them live around here. I know if they did, I wouldn't be writing this post in my blog.


  1. Oh honey. I know how you feel. I struggle with the same thing at times. I wish we lived closer

  2. I wish we did to, that would be so awesome. We could just hang out, not clean house and drink lots of tea.
