Friday, August 27, 2010

Down to the end

Well, now I have less than 30 days of the Magace treatment left. I can't believe I am almost at the end of this treatment. You know though, I was talking to someone the other day whose husband has been facing liver and thyroid cancer ... which also made me think of my Mother-In-Law and my friend Trisha. I have a whole lot to be thankful for with this cancer scare. I didn't have to do chemo or radiation. Granted my treatment doesn't promise a cure either. I know that unless we eventually remove my uterus I will get uterine cancer in my lifetime. But I am still so young and I am just not willing to give it up unless I have absolutely have to. I guess you could call me selfish for not just giving up my dreams of another child and wanting to keep all that God gave me for as long as possible. I have been working very hard to shed as many pounds as possible, because the doctor said this could be a possible help with reversing the Endometerial Hyperplasia. So far I am down about 25 lbs and I must admit I can feel the difference in my energy levels and my over all outlook on things.
My surgery has been scheduled for the 21st of September in the morning. Then we play the waiting game (it took about a week the last time for them to call back with the results). Everything for the future of our family hinges on what they find. I have prayed and thought so hard about what to do. I have decided that if it has regressed, we need to go on with the treatments to get pregnant. However, if it hasn't regressed or has actually gone into Atpia (Cancer), then I will be left with no choice but to go ahead with the hysterectomy. Yes, I could do another 3 months of the Magage treatment but there is no guarantee that it will regress it and there is a possibility that things can even turn worse.
DH's main concern is that if we wait and so forth, that cancer could appear without our knowing and it could spread beyond the uterus which could cost me my life. I can see where he is coming from and can't blame him.