Thursday, October 26, 2006

TTC Update

As you know we are trying to get pregnant with number 2. I went to go see my new OBGYN for my yearly exam and she has told me if I don't get pregnant by the end of the treatments of Clomid (I have 3 more left), that we will have to get a Kirk checked out (because of his accident) and make sure nothing is wrong there. If nothing is wrong on his end, then it will be a new type of fertility treatment, shots. This will cause us a much great chance of multiples (even great than the clomid which is twins....occasionally triplets). So I am asking everyone I know to pray that we get pregnant in sometime in the next 3 treatments so we don't have to go to that degree. Shots are as far as we are willing to go in infertility treatments. She does have me doing a few things differently, taking the meds a few days earlier and doing ovulation tests for all of my next cycle to see if we can pin exactly when I am ovulating. Guess we don't all ovulate in the middle of a cycle, some more towards the end, others more towards the beginning and some even get to do it twice in a cycle. Anyway the prayers would be greatly appreciated.

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