Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Still Trying for Number 2

Just a quick note to let you know that we are still trying for baby number 2. I had to go in a week ago today and have a sonogram done. It wasn't to see if everything was alright for us to have another baby but because I was having very bad stomach pains and issues. All is well it turns out besides some cysts in both ovaries but that goes with having PCOS and they will come and go all time. So I have been given a clean bill of health and my stomach issues were related to the cyst bursting. Since all is well there, we decided to quit dragging our feet and get Kirk into the doctors to have the count done that he needs to get done, in order for us to continue on with fertility treatments. Since he had severe bruising from his accident we aren't sure if there was damage done or not, that could be causing us not to be able to get pregnant with number 2. So I am asking that everyone keep Kirk in your prayers Wednesday, June 18th, that he will be able to produce a sample and they will be able to get a good count from him (thus showing nothing wrong). Also please pray that if nothing is wrong and that if it is God's Will for our family, that we will concieve baby number 2 soon and have a healthy pregnancy. I let you know the results of Kirks test.

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