Saturday, April 28, 2012

So Many New Changes

DH is now taking 50 mg of Clomid daily. We should see an increase in sperm production and less of the issues created by low testosterone levels in 4 to 6 weeks (so the middle to end of May). I think this wait may be the hardest, that darn clock is starting to tick louder and louder. I am now taking Famara and not Clomid. I am LH testing to see if I get an LH spike or not this time. We were never truly sure that I had a LH spike (that means your ovulating) while on the Clomid or not. DH has to go back to the male infertility specialist in July for a new semen count. We are praying for an increase in sperm, sperm motility and a higher testosterone level (over 300, his is currently 161). I ended up having to go this past month to get yet another progesterone shot. So that added to the whole waiting issue on my part. No Cycle equals a longer wait. This is detrimental to our time line, because that means a shot for me. That means more time waiting, you have to wait about 5 to 10 days for the progesterone to do it's job once you receive the shot (or pill). The pill doesn't work for me, it does nothing. It's like my body rejects it in that form. So it's a shot or nothing. 3 months ago, I had my first reaction ever to a progesterone shot. Truthfully it freaked me out. If I can't get the shot when I need it due to an allergic reaction then I am in big trouble. We might as well stop and let them do the hysterectomy now. Thankfully with this last shot there was no reaction.

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